AI in Politics: Transparency vs Accountability

October 10, 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a common tool in politics. It has the potential to bring transparency to the decision-making process, as well as increase accountability. Nevertheless, some experts worry that accountability could be stifled by AI, ultimately serving political interests. In this article, we will compare transparency and accountability and analyze the ways in which AI can affect them.

Transparency and AI in Politics

Transparency is essential for democracy. When the public knows what is happening in their government, it is easier to hold politicians accountable for their decisions. AI can play a crucial role in increasing transparency in politics.

For instance, AI-powered tools can help analyze public data, detect and track changes in legislative documents, and provide insights into how politicians vote. The Open States project, which tracks legislative actions in state capitols in the United States, is an example of how AI can bring transparency into politics. The project uses machine learning algorithms to extract useful data from unstructured text and organizes it in a standardized format.

AI can also be used to monitor political speech for disinformation and propaganda. This could help prevent the spread of fake news and bias in political debates. AI-based fact-checkers, for instance, can assess the accuracy of statements made by politicians and provide accurate information to the public.

Accountability and AI in Politics

Accountability goes beyond transparency. It includes taking responsibility for one's actions and being held accountable for them. AI can play a vital role in holding politicians accountable.

AI-based systems can flag decisions made by politicians that could potentially harm the public interests. For instance, an AI-powered system could automatically detect if a politician takes a decision that goes against their campaign promises or if there is a pattern of certain politicians voting against the interest of their constituents. These systems can also track the implementation of new policies and evaluate their effectiveness.

Nonetheless, some experts worry about the role of AI in politics. They argue that AI could ultimately serve political interests and undermine accountability.

AI relies on data, and this data can be biased, incomplete, or manipulated. In some cases, AI systems may make decisions based on limited information, leading to unfair policies. Additionally, if AI systems are designed and controlled by politicians, they could be used to manipulate public opinion or restrict certain types of information.


AI can bring both transparency and accountability to politics. However, it is crucial to use AI tools in a way that enables accountability and supports transparency rather than stifling it. To accomplish this, AI systems must be designed and controlled with great care, and biases in data collection or algorithmic decisions must be corrected where they occur.

Ultimately, AI will likely continue to play an increasingly important role in politics. It is crucial to ensure that the technology is used ethically and works to serve the public's interests.


  1. Open States. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2022, from
  2. Dubois, E., & Kersting, K. (2019). Accountability, Transparency, and Explainability of Artificial Intelligence. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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